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Star Wars Minifigs
C-3PO - Pearl Light Gold
He's in great condition, used but like new. Came from the Sandcrawler set.
Luke Skywalker (Pilot)
Used. Face is a plain smiley face, and also pretty smudged. The rest of the figure is in great condition.
Custom Luke in Jedi Robes
Great minifig, I'm surprised Lego didn't come out with him on their own. Only signs of use are a hairline crack on the right arm and slight black smudges on the hair.
T-16 Skyhopper Pilot
Great condition. Slight hairline cracks on the back of the torso.
Rebel Pilot B-wing (Light Flesh)
Stunning condition. Like new, no faults.
Stormtrooper (Printed Legs)
Rare. Great condition, hairline crack on left arm.